The David Ross Education Trust

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Eastfield Academy

Eastfield Academy is part of the David Ross Education Trust and is a good and rapidly improving school where everyone has the opportunity to succeed.


Handball Fun at Eastfield Academy!


This week, Eastfield Academy kicked off an exciting new sporting initiative with the introduction of handball, thanks to our partnership with DRET Sport and the expertise of Mrs. Le Voi. Handball, a fast-paced and dynamic sport, is now being explored by our students as part of their physical education activities.

For those unfamiliar with the game, handball is a team sport where two teams of seven players each—comprising six outfield players and a goalkeeper—work together to pass and throw a ball into the opposing team's goal. The sport is played in two 30-minute periods, with the team that scores the most goals being crowned the winner.

Handball combines elements of soccer, basketball, and water polo, making it both challenging and incredibly fun. The sport encourages teamwork, quick thinking, and skillful handling of the ball, all while keeping players active and engaged. Mrs. Le Voi, a player of Northampton Handball Club Team has been leading the sessions, helping students learn the rules of the game, improve their ball control, and work on their communication as a team. At the end of each handball session, two outstanding pupils from each year group were selected to receive special awards in recognition of their exceptional attitude, commitment, and teamwork. These students were each presented with a handball, allowing them to continue practicing their skills at home.

We look forward to continuing our exploration of handball and are excited to see how our students develop their skills in the coming weeks. Who knows, we might even have future handball stars right here at Eastfield Academy!

Stay tuned for more updates on handball and other exciting sports events coming up at school.